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Frequently asked questions
My Lenses Have Dried Up, What Do I Do?
In order to restore your lenses, allow them to soak in contact lens solution for at least 24 hours. It's important that your lenses are always submerged in solution to prevent them from drying up.
When Shall I Throw My Lenses Away?
It is only time to throw out your lenses away once they have been out of their packet for 12 months. They can be worn as many times as you like within the 12 months of being opened.
My Lenses Feel Uncomfortable, Why Is This?
Lenses By Amani are designed for sensitive eyes so irritation is very unlikely to occur. However, if your lenses feel uncomfortable, this may be due to your lenses being inside out. Take the lenses out of your eye then clean them with solution and flip them inside out, this may help with the irritation.
How Do I Store My Lenses
Store your lenses in the case provided and ensure that they are soaked in contact lens solution and change the solution every 3-4 weeks.
When Should I Avoid Wearing My Lenses
Do not wear your lenses after 12 months.
Do not sleep with your lenses in.
Do not swim. Shower or bath whilst wearing your lenses
Do not wear your lenses if you have an eye infection
Do not wear your lenses if they are damaged